Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Problem is Sin

Theology is important. If you believe this world is all there is, then the logical thing is to party like there is no tomorrow (or just kill yourself). If you believe that your sins can only be forgiven by dying while killing unbelievers, you get [radical] Islam...

So what is the problem with the world?
  • Low self-confidence - people act out because they feel oppressed, and just need to feel good about themselves?
  • Economics/class warfare - conflict between the rich and poor; evils of consumerism?
  • Technology - chemicals in the water and air, global monitoring, black helicopters, tinfoil hats?
  • Government - evil dictators, too much Republican control, too little Democrat control, no Libertarians?
The problem is sin.

Pride being number one. All the little sins that make life seem better. I need this. I want that.

Creation screams at us that there is a Creator. Our consciences tell us good from bad. We fear death. We desire justice.

Our response can be:
  1. To sear our conscience. Just like a piece of meat. Burned and charred on the outside. Giving us a tough exterior which allows us to continue to live in sin. Unfortunately, there is usually a hollow space left inside which cannot be filled. Not with alcohol, drugs, or casual sex, or world domination.
  2. Look to the Law of God. Humble ourselves before our perfect Creator. Confess our sins, and turn from them. Turn to God, and trust in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as payment for our sins. Past, present, and future.

1 comment:

GCT said...

"Theology is important. If you believe this world is all there is, then the logical thing is to party like there is no tomorrow (or just kill yourself)."

No, that does not logically follow that one should want to kill oneself. If this is the only life I have, why would I be in a hurry to end it? On the contrary, if you believe that the afterlife awaits and will be so much more glorious than this life, then you are the one who should look forward to death. Yet you don't? You say, "We fear death." Why should you fear your passing to heaven? This is what doesn't make sense.

"Creation screams at us that there is a Creator."

That is circular reasoning.